jeudi 26 mai 2011

Marocco Citta Imperiali ,Sahara Deserto Tours, Gole di Todra Ouarzazate , un gruppo di guide del deserto professionisti di grande esperienza nel turismo, ti offre viaggi in Marocco con escursioni nel deserto in minibus e con fuoristrada 4x4, attraverso il magnifico ed intenso sud del Marocco . Unisciti a noi per scoprire le più belle perle turistiche del sud del Marocco: le preziose montagne dell'Alto Atlas, le oasi dalle esuberanti palme, le antiche e secolari Kasbe, le magnifiche città berbere con le loro costruzioni particolari, un paesaggio selvaggio formato da profondi canyon e gole e dal Deserto del Sahara con le sue fantastiche dune di sabbia.

Il nostro obiettivo è animarvi e orientarvi per farvi scoprire il vero spirito del Marocco, e affinchè possiate avere un vero avvicinamento alla realtà del paese, alla bellezza delle nostre terre marocchine e vivere momenti indimenticabili al tirmo dei tamburi berberi. Il nostro gruppo vi aspetta per farvi vivere il vostro viaggio in Marocco che supererà, ne siamo certi, in modo crescente tutte le vostre aspettative. Vogliamo essere degni della vostra fiducia.

Siamo sempre a vostra disposizione per programmare soggiorni con familiari ed amici. Non dubitate e contattateci per avere ogni più dettagliata informazione.

Ricordatevi che le nostre proposte per i vostri viaggi in Marocco possono sempre essere modificate sulla base dei vostri desideri.

Per piu informazione :

Morocco tour,4x4 excursions,sahara desert tour,camel trekking,Merzouga,Marrakech,Fes,Viaggi in Maroco,Viagem a Marrocos,Voyage aux Maroc 4x4.jpg

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Il Marocco : المغرب
Marocco (IT) Tagldit Lmrruk (BER) المملكة المغربية (AR) Royaume du Maroc (FR) – Bandiera Marocco (IT) Tagldit Lmrruk (BER) المملكة المغربية (AR) Royaume du Maroc (FR) - Stemma
è uno stato dell'Africa settentrionale, nella parte occidentale della regione definita anche come Maghreb. Deve il suo nome alla città di Marrakech. La parola Marrakech deriva dalla lingua berbera Mur-Akush, che significa Terra di Dio; questo nome venne associato a questa città dal suo fondatore Yusuf ibn Tashfin.
Le sue coste sono bagnate dal Mar Mediterraneo nella parte settentrionale, e dall'Oceano Atlantico in tutto il tratto ad ovest dello Stretto di Gibilterra.
I confini terrestri sono con la sola Algeria, ad est e sud-est, e con il territorio del Sahara Occidentale a sud (rivendicando il Marocco la sovranità su quest'ultimo territorio, il confine meridionale viene dal Marocco considerato essere la Mauritania). Si contano però anche 4 enclave spagnole nella parte affacciata sul Mediterraneo: Ceuta, Melilla, Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera, Peñón de Alhucemas. Anche le isole Chafarinas, sulla costa del Mediterraneo, 45 km ad est di Melilla appartengono alla Spagna, così come le Isole Canarie al largo del lembo più meridionale della costa atlantica del Marocco. Infine l'isola Perejil, uno scoglio disabitato presso lo stretto di Gibilterra, è tuttora disputato tra Marocco e Spagna.
Il Marocco è una monarchia costituzionale: l'attuale monarca è Mohammed VI, e il capo del governo è Abbas El Fassi.
La lingua ufficiale del paese è l'arabo, anche se il 40% degli abitanti parla il berbero, (l'insegnamento scolastico della lingua berbera è stato introdotto di recente nelle scuole, ma non è riconosciuta come lingua ufficiale); il francese è una seconda lingua diffusa, ed è molto usata nell'amministrazione, nell'educazione superiore e nei commerci.


Malabata, Tangeri
Le montagne dell'Alto Atlante
Montagne del Rif
La costa mediterranea, a Saidia
Il fiume Bin el Ouidane a Béni Mellal
Regione di Marrakech
Ifrane, soprannominata "Piccola Svizzera"
Sahara marocchino


La geografia fisica del Marocco è caratterizzata dalla presenza di due grandi catene montuose: la catena Rif, a ridosso della costa mediterranea, e quella dell'Atlante che attraversa tutto il Paese da Sud-Ovest a Nord-Est ed ha vette che superano i 4.000 m s.l.m.. Nella parte più meridionale del Marocco si incontra il grande deserto del Sahara in corrispondenza del quale la presenza di insediamenti umani diventa estremamente rarefatta.


Il Marocco è segnato dalla presenza della catena montuosa dell'Atlante che lo attraversa diagonalmente da nord-est, in corrispondenza del confine settentrionale con l'Algeria, a sud-ovest, dove incontra l'oceano Atlantico all'altezza delle città di Agadir e Sidi Ifni.
La catena montuosa dell'Atlante si sviluppa attraverso le cime dell'Anti Atlante, che toccano un massimo di 2.060 metri, nel sud ovest del paese, quelle dell'Alto Atlante, a cui appartiene il Jbel Toubkal che con i suoi 4.165 metri è il più alto del paese, sempre nel sud-ovest, quelle del Medio Atlante nel nord del Marocco che arrivano a 3.350 metri di altitudine, e quelle dell'Atlante Sahariano che arrivano ai 2.328 metri del monte Chelia.



I fiumi del Marocco hanno generalmente un andamento da sud verso nord o nord ovest, seguendo il tragitto che dai monti dell'Atlante li porta a sfociare nel mar Mediterraneo o nell'oceano Atlantico. Quando invece scorrono verso sud, verso i confini con l'Algeria assumono la caratteristica di fiumi stagionali.
Questi corsi d'acqua, per la scarsità delle precipitazioni e per la morfologia dalla catena montuosa dell'Atlante, non sono adatti per la navigazione, ma sono intensamente sfruttati per l'irrigazione e la produzione di energia idroelettrica.
Tra i maggiori fiumi del Marocco troviamo il Moulouya, che nasce dai monti dell'Atlante, nei pressi della città di Midelt, e dopo circa 520 chilometri sfocia nel mar Mediterraneo, vicino ai confini con l'Algeria; il fiume Oum Er-Rbia, lungo circa 1050 chilometri, il più lungo del paese è Oum Draa lungo 1200 km. Oum Er-Rbia che nasce non distante dal Moulouya, e che si dirige verso l'oceano Atlantico, dove alla sua foce sorge la città di Azemmour. Un Altro fiume importante del paese è l'Oued Sbou, che nasce anch'esso dai monti dell'Atlante e si tuffa nell'Atlantico non lontano dalla città di Kenitra.

  Laghi e lagune

Pochi chilometri a sud della città di Melilla, nel nord est del Marocco, si trova la laguna di Sabkha bou Areq dove si affaccia il porto della città di Nador.
Lungo il corso del Moulouya si trovano due laghi, il lago di Mohamed V e poco più a settentrione il lago di Meschra Ammadi.


Mappa climatica del Marocco
Il clima del Marocco può essere suddiviso in quattro sotto-zone[1]:
  1. Oceanico (in blu nella mappa)
  2. Mediterraneo (in rosa e marrone)
  3. Montano (in grigio)
  4. Continentale (in nero tratteggiato)


Attualmente il Marocco conta circa 34 milioni di abitanti, per una densità di popolazione di 63 ab/km².
Ci sono circa 3 milioni di marocchini all’estero (2005)[2], la maggior parte dei quali in Europa, principalmente in Francia (1.113.176 nel 2004[3]), Spagna (710.401 nel 2009[4]), Italia (431.528 al 1º gennaio 2010 secondo i dati ISTAT[5]), Paesi Bassi (335.127 nel 2008[6]), Belgio (264.974 nel 2005[7]), e Germania (102.000 nel 2004[8]).


Crescita demografica del Marocco dal 1961 al 2003
Il Marocco è il quarto paese africano di etnia araba per numero di abitanti, dopo l'Egitto, il Sudan e l'Algeria. La maggior parte della popolazione vive a ovest della catena montuosa dell'Atlante, che divide il paese del deserto del Sahara. Casablanca è il più importante porto, centro commerciale e industriale.


La popolazione marocchina ha principalmente origine da due etnie distinte: i Berberi e gli Arabi. Nel corso del tempo queste due etnie si sono tra loro intrecciate e in alcuni luoghi risulta difficile riconoscere l'una dall'altra. A grandi linee tuttavia è possibile indicare nelle regioni pianeggianti e nelle grandi città i luoghi principali in cui è possibile incontrare etnia araba, mentre nel Rif, sull'oceano, nell'Atlante e nel sud quella berbera. Scendendo nel profondo sud è possibile trovare l'etnia Sahrawi.

  Residenti stranieri

La popolazione straniera è di circa 60.000 persone (costituita principalmente da francesi, spagnoli e italiani)[9].


La lingua ufficiale del Marocco è l'arabo classico. Circa il 40% della popolazione parla berbero come lingua madre, oppure come seconda lingua insieme al locale dialetto arabo.
Il francese è di fatto la seconda lingua (non ufficiale) del paese ed è ampiamente utilizzata nell'amministrazione, nei media e nell'educazione superiore.
Una minoranza di marocchini nel nord del paese parla lo spagnolo come seconda o terza lingua.


Persone in attesa della fine del digiuno giornaliero durante il mese del Ramadan
La maggior parte dei marocchini professa l'Islam. Oltre ai musulmani in Marocco sono presenti circa 60 mila cattolici, perlopiù francesi, e 15 mila ebrei.
L'islam tradizionale nordafricano presenta alcune caratteristiche particolari come il culto dei marabutti e dei santi (Sidi), le cui tombe sono oggetto di pellegrinaggi. Rispetto alla vicina Algeria, in Marocco sono molto meno numerosi e diffusi i fenomeni di terrorismo.
Sebbene il re sia considerato discendente del Profeta e "Principe dei credenti", la legislazione è notevolmente laica, in particolare con un codice di diritto di famiglia (Mudawana), riformato nel 2004, che tutela le donne molto più di quanto non faccia la legislazione a base islamica di altri Stati a maggioranza musulmana. Anche l'uso degli alcolici, sebbene vietato dalla legge coranica, non è punito dalla legge marocchina. Inoltre, è molto seguito il calendario occidentale per cui, nelle città più importanti e/o più turistiche, molto spesso è la domenica, e non il venerdì, il giorno di riposo.

 Ordinamento dello stato

Mohammed VI re del marocco
Secondo la costituzione promulgata da Hassan II nel dicembre 1962, il Marocco è uno stato sovrano retto da una monarchia costituzionale, sociale e democratica. Dal luglio 1999 il monarca è Mohammed VI che è successo al padre Hassan II, a sua volta preceduto dal padre Mohammed V, padre dell'indipendenza. La dinastia alaouita, a cui appartiene il sovrano, è originaria del sud e vanta un'origine sceriffale, ossia una discendenza diretta dal Profeta.
Il sovrano è capo religioso del paese ("difensore della fede" e "comandante dei credenti"), capo politico e capo delle forze armate. In quanto capo politico può a sua discrezione sospendere la costituzione, sciogliere il parlamento e convocare nuove elezioni; inoltre, ha poteri esecutivi.
Il potere esecutivo è detenuto dal Palazzo (cioè dal re e dai suoi consiglieri) e dal governo. Il re presiede il consiglio dei ministri, nomina il primo ministro dopo le elezioni legislative sentita la maggioranza parlamentare, nomina i ministri sentito il primo ministro, revoca i ministri a sua discrezione, e può, sempre a sua discrezione, dirigere per Dahir (regio decreto). Il primo ministro dirige il governo e coordina l'attività dei ministri, anche arbitrandone le divergenze; controfirma i dahir ed esercita il potere regolamentare (i regolamenti sono controfirmati dai ministri incaricati dell'attuazione); può emanare decreti-legge su delega del parlamento per oggetti determinati e durata limitata.
Il potere legislativo, bicamerale dal 1996, è prerogativa della Camera dei rappresentanti (Majlis al-Nuwab), composta da 325 deputati eletti ogni 5 anni a suffragio universale, e dalla Camera dei consiglieri (Majlis al-Mustacharin), composta da 270 seggi rinnovati a elezione indiretta per un terzo ogni 3 anni. Il parlamento ha visto progressivamente aumentare i suoi poteri di controllo, fino alle ultime revisioni costituzionali del 1992 e 1996: oltre alla funzione legislativa, infatti, vota il bilancio del regno, può costituire commissioni d'inchiesta sull'operato del governo, e può far cadere il governo con una mozione di sfiducia.
L'ordine giudiziario è indipendente. I giudici della corte suprema sono nominati dal sovrano. Negli ultimi anni sono state create diverse magistrature specializzate, di ispirazione codicistica e non coranica.

  Rivendicazioni territoriali

Con quella che fu definita la Marcia Verde, il 6 novembre del 1975, circa 350.000 marocchini disarmati diedero vita ad una manifestazione di massa sotto la guida del governo del re Hassan II radunandosi presso la città di Tarfaya per attraversare il confine del Sahara Occidentale, al tempo territorio autonomo spagnolo conteso dal Marocco alla Spagna.
Il Sahara Occidentale è stata una colonia spagnola fino al 1976. Quando la Spagna si ritirò il Marocco ne annesse i due terzi settentrionali; il resto del territorio fu annesso nel 1979 a seguito del ritiro della Mauritania. Tuttavia il Fronte Polisario, già attivo nella fase precedente alla decolonizzazione spagnola, si oppose alle annessioni e proclamò il 27 febbraio 1976 la Repubblica democratica araba Saharawi, riconosciuta dall'Unione Africana ma non dall'ONU. La guerriglia susseguente terminò con un cessate il fuoco del 1991; il referendum per la determinazione dello status definitivo del Sahara Occidentale non è stato ancora effettuato.

  Suddivisioni amministrative


Il livello amministrativo più elevato del Marocco è rappresentato dalle Regioni, 16 (comprese quelle del Sahara), introdotte con una legge del 1997 e governate da un wali di nomina regia.

 Prefetture e province

   Morocco Tours Organiser
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PHONE : +212 673 555 408
Il Marocco è suddiviso in 71 tra province (rurali) e prefetture (urbane)[10].

  Città principali

Posizione Città Popolazione Regione
Nome in Arabo Censim. 1982 Censim. 1994 Censim. 2004
1. Casablanca الدار البيضاء 2.139.204 2.756.805 3.192.352 Grande Casablanca
2. Rabat الرباط 893.042 1.340.486 1.622.860 Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer
3. Fes فاس 448.823 772.184 946.815 Fes-Boulemane
4. Marrakech مراكش 439.728 669.043 823.154 Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz
5. Agadir أكادير 110.479 502.475 678.596 Souss-Massa-Draâ
6. Tangeri طنجة 266.346 497.147 669.685 Tangeri-Tétouan
7. Meknes مكناس 319.783 443.214 536.232 Meknès-Tafilalet
8. Oujda وجدة 260.082 357.278 400.738 Regione Orientale
9. Kenitra القنيطرة 188.194 292.453 359.142 Gharb-Chrarda-Béni Hssen
10. Tétouan تطوان 199.615 277.516 320.539 Tangeri-Tétouan
11. El Ayun العيون 93.875 136.950 183 691 Laâyoune-Boujdour-Sakia el Hamra
12. Dakhla الداخلة 58 416 78 245 99 367 Oued Ed-Dahab-Lagouira
13. Smara السمارة 28.750 33.000 42.056 Guelmim-Es Semara


L'ambasciata italiana si trova a Rabat:
  • Indirizzo: 2, Zankat Idriss Al Azhar 2 B.P. 111 Quartier Hassan 10000 Rabat, Marocco
  • Telefono: +212 37219730
  • Fax: +212 37706882
I consolati si trovano a Casablanca e a Marrakech. Nelle principali città sono presenti centri culturali italiani, come a Rabat, Casablanca e Tangeri.

  Ordinamento scolastico

Scuola materna (3 anni), scuola elementare (6 anni), scuola media (3 anni), liceo (3 anni), università.

  Sistema sanitario

Il sistema sanitario marocchino è soddisfacente,anche se non molto tempo fa non lo era con il nuovo intervento del re sono stati costruiti nuovi ospedali seguendo il modello europeo


La prima esperienza democratica ha luogo sotto il re Hassan II, che nel 1962 promulga una nuova costituzione, in base alla quale nel 1963 si svolgono le elezioni parlamentari. I principali partiti sono l'Istiqlal (Indipendenza) di Allal el Fassi, fondato nel 1943, e l'UNFP di Mehdi Ben Barka, nata da una sua scissione a sinistra nel 1959. Tuttavia nel 1965 la costituzione viene revocata. Negli anni successivi si tengono elezioni parlamentari, ma con un forte controllo del sovrano e dello stato sulle formazioni politiche.
Solo nel 1997, al termine di un processo triennale di riconciliazione e liberalizzazione politica, Hassan II promulga una nuova costituzione e indice nuove elezioni parlamentari per 325 deputati. Il sistema elettorale è un proporzionale corretto, che non impedisce la frammentazione politica e rende quasi impossibile la conquista della maggioranza assoluta, forzando governi di coalizione e favorendo il potere del re.

 Elezioni parlamentari del 14 novembre 1997

Le elezioni , vedono un forte pluralismo: su un totale di 319, i seggi dei maggiori partiti sono:
  • 57 USFP Union Socialiste des Forces Populaires (Unione socialista delle forze popolari)
  • 50 UC Union Constitutionelle (Unione costituzionale - monarchico-liberale)
  • 46 RNI Rassemblement National des Indépendents (Raggruppamento nazionale degli indipendenti - monarchici)
  • 40 MP Mouvement Populaire (Movimento popolare - liberal-conservatore)
  • 32 Istiqlal (Indipendenza - centrista)
  • 32 MDS Mouvement Démocratique et Social (Movimento democratico e sociale - giovanilista)
  • 19 MNP Mouvement Nationale Populaire (Movimento nazionale popolare - ...)
  • 44 altri 7 partiti
In tutto entrano in parlamento 14 partiti. Gli islamisti moderati che l'anno dopo formeranno il Partito della giustizia e dello sviluppo (Parti de la Justice et du Développement - PJD) ottengono 9 seggi.
Al principale partito di opposizione, l'Unione socialista delle forze popolari (erede dell'UNFP), nella persona di Abderrahman Youssufi viene affidata la formazione e guida del nuovo governo .
Il 23 luglio 1999 muore il sultano Hassan II e il giorno 30 gli succede il figlio Mohammed VI, che conferma la scelta democratica.

 Elezioni parlamentari del 27 settembre 2002

Le elezioni, con una partecipazione del 52%, vedono quattro partiti quasi in parità per numero di seggi (su 325):
  • 50 USFP
  • 48 Istiqlal
  • 42 PJD
  • 41 RNI
  • 27 MP
  • 18 MNP
  • 16 UC
  • 83 altri 15 partiti
Il quadro politico si complica vista la presenza in parlamento di ben 22 partiti politici fra cui il PPS (Parti du Progrès et du Socialisme - Partito del progresso e del socialismo) con 11 seggi. I grandi sconfitti sono UC, MP e MDS, a vantaggio soprattutto di Istiqlal e PJD, con uno spostamento in senso conservatore.
Il governo di Driss Jettou (indipendente) è sostenuto da USFP, Istiqlal, RNI e PPS (151 seggi).

 Elezioni parlamentari del 7 settembre 2007

Le elezioni, con una partecipazione in forte calo al 37%, confermano un parlamento frammentato in una ventina di gruppi, fra cui i maggiori sono:
  • 52 Istiqlal
  • 46 PJD
  • 41 MP
  • 39 RNI
  • 38 USFP
  • 27 UC
  • 17 PPS
  • 14 Unione Parti National Démocrate (PND) - Al Ahd (Pact)
  • 51 altri 12 partiti

    Whay us (MoroccoExcursions team) ?

  • Trust and honesty.
  • Experience and professionalism.
  • Native guides with knowledge of several languages.
  • Experts in the area.
  • Flexibility in scheduling travel.
  • Quality transport.
  • Special activities.


MoroccoExcursions team, personalized tours for independent travelers.
  • For those independent travelers around the world who want to travel to Morocco in a different way, without haste and in small groups (friends, families, couples ...), but with the reassurance and confidence to feel in a cozy pace and join for a few days our culture, enjoying an amazing country filled with contrasts.
  • We help you plan your route, but it is YOUR trip to Morocco and therefore, you decide what to visit, when to stop and for how long ... TRAVEL TO MOROCCO YOUR WAY!




MoroccoExcursions Team offers the opportunity to do many activities during your trip to Morocco such as visits to local Berbers families, drink tea with nomads in their caves, enjoy a Berber wedding, visiting local cooperatives or associations that cooperate on development in the area, visiting archaeological and historical explorations, camel rides, sleeping in haimas in the Sahara desert, Berbers Homestays with native families, trekking, quads, climbing, mountain bike, sandboarding, windsurfing, henna paintings, stargazing, bird watching, and of course, haggling in the souks and markets local.
Feel free to contact us anytime, 24 hours, 7 days a week and we'll respond as quickly as possible without compromise.

                         Some infos about Morocco

The Kingdom of Morocco, is a country in North Africa with 33,757,175 of a population. Connect to Atlantic Ocean along with the west side that reaches past the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea. Morocco has international borders with Algeria at the east side, with Spain at the north side (water border through the Strait and land borders with two small Spanish autonomous cities, Ceuta and Melilla), and Mauritania at the south.  Morocco is only African country that is not currently a member of the African Union. However, it is currently a member of the Arab League, Arab Maghreb Union, the Francophone, Organization of the Islamic Conference, Mediterranean Dialogue group, and Group of 77, and is a major non-NATO ally of the United States.


The area of present-day Morocco has been inhabited since Neolithic times (at least since 8000 BC, as attested by signs of the Caspian culture), a period when the Maghreb was less arid than it is today. Many theorists believe the Amazigh people, commonly referred to as Berbers or by their regional ethnic identity (e.g. Chleuh), probably arrived at roughly the same time as the inception of agriculture in the region. In the classical period, Morocco was known as Mauretania, although this should not be confused with the modern country of Mauritania.
Modern Morocco
On November 18, 2006, Morocco celebrated the 50th anniversary of its independence. Morocco recovered its political independence from France on March 2, 1956, and on April 7, France officially relinquished its protectorate. Through agreements with Spain in 1956 and 1958, Moroccan control over certain Spanish-ruled areas was restored, though attempts to claim other Spanish colonial possessions through military action were less successful. The internationalized city of Tangier was reintegrated with the signing of the Tangier Protocol on October 29, 1956 (see Tangier Crisis). Hassan II became King of Morocco on March 3, 1961. His early years of rule would be marked by political unrest. The Spanish enclave of Ifni in the south was reintegrated to the country in 1969. Morocco annexed the Western Sahara during the 1970s after demanding its reintegration from Spain since independence, but final resolution on the status of the territory remains unresolved. (See History of Western Sahara).  Political reforms in the 1990s resulted in the establishment of a bicameral legislature in 1997. Morocco was granted Major non-NATO ally status by the United States in June 2004 and has signed free trade agreements with the United States and the European Union.

Morocco is an ethnically diverse country with a rich culture and civilization. Through Moroccan history,  Morocco hosted many people coming from East (Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Jews and Arabs), South (Sub-Saharan Africans) and North (Romans, Vandals, Andalusia's (including Moors and Jews)). All those civilizations have had an impact on the social structure of Morocco. It conceived various forms of beliefs, from paganism, Judaism, and Christianity to Islam.  Each region possesses its own specificities, thus contributing to the national culture and to the legacy of civilization. Morocco has set among its top priorities the protection of its diverse legacy and the preservation of its cultural heritage.  Culturally speaking, Morocco has always been successful in combining its Berber, Jewish and Arabic cultural heritage with external influences such as the French and the Spanish and, during the last decades, the Anglo-American    The country of Morocco enjoys a strong sense of culture and a long and ancient history.  From the cool blue waters of the north Atlantic sandy beaches to the hot white sands of the Sahara desert this country is full of wondrous culture and scenery.  The greens of the fertile farmlands and valleys contrast with the browns and whites of the snow-capped mountain range.  Morocco is a romantic and mysterious country it is little wonder that it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa. 


Practical tips about Morocco


You need a valid passport with minimum validity of 6 months from the entry to Morocco. Europeans do not require visas. The legally permitted maximum stay is 3 months from the entry to Morocco.


No vaccination is needed. In pharmacies are the same drugs than in Europe. By contrast, in areas difficult to access health services and medicine are virtually nonexistent.


The currency is the dirham. The change is approximately 1€ = 11DH. In Spain, Moroccan consulates have changed bank branch where € per DH. The easiest is to change in the Moroccan airport after traveling through Morocco bank branches in urban areas. In some hotels, and possibly in some cities can pay by credit card.

Time zone

Morocco is on Greenwich time slot and is not time change in spring and autumn. With respect to most Europe, Morocco is 1 hour earlier in winter, and 2 hours less in summer.


Because of its geography, Atlantic coast, Mediterranean coast, low mountain, high mountain, steppe, desert in Morocco are all climates. Generally has a warm climate except December, January and February are the coldest months of the year. In the desert during the August temperatures of 50ºC.

What to wear

Sunglasses, sunscreen, protective anti mosquito cream, lip balm, soap, tissues, ibuprofen, aspirin, laxatives, astringents (just in case), comfortable shoes, sandals, jacket for cold nights, batteries for devices that require them (in Africa batteries are of very poor quality).


lamb-tagine-with-cous_224Travelers from other countries should only drink bottled water, and while he's hot tea in Morocco should be taken sparingly. Green tea is the national drink is prepared and sometimes mint. Part of the tradition and it is a ritual to celebrate the welcome the newcomer. They call it the Berber whiskey is known to be well prepared by his turban foam.
The national dishes are the Tagine, meat and vegetable stew and couscous, cracked wheat steamed carefully a delicious stew of vegetables and meat. The main secret of all the kitchen is a special selection of the wide variety of species that exist in Moroccan cuisine.

Bread is an unconditional, is present at every meal.
In rural areas, every family has a stone oven baked clay where carefully kneaded bread to eat fresh.
Harira is the Ramadan soup, nutritious mixture of pasta, rice, grits, vegetables and spices and strong cilantro flavor.

Buy in Morocco

At the time of purchase must not forget that Morocco is developing so everything is a little cheaper than in Europe. Even today it is marketed as formerly with bartering, exchanging objects or food.
The souks are markets where you can buy almost anything, an explosion of scents and colors. It is also usual haggling, to buy you have to negotiate the price with the seller with skill and if not abused.The idea is to start with a little less than the price you would pay for the desired object and since then the seller makes a counteroffer starting the skilled game of bargaining to reach an agreement.
Some typical products include orange blossom water, rosewater, argan oil, musk, dates, couscous, harissa (spicy sauce), carpets, printed scarves, turbans, silver accessories, hooded, slippers, fossils and quartz extracted the country, Arab and Berber handicrafts, ceramics, textiles, musical instruments (djarbuca, castanets gnawa ...), variety of spices such as saffron, cardamom, cumin ... so valuable in ancient times they were used as currency change in trans-Saharan routes.

Some Festival and events

Marathon of the Sands: One of the toughest marathons in the world, his journey begins in Ouarzazate and ending in the desert. At the end of March.

Festival of the Roses, Kelaa M'Gouna: in the valley of roses, festivals are held each May for 3 days by the end of the harvest of the roses, live music Berber. Early May.

Gnawa Festival in Essaouira: African tribal music festival and Morocco. In mid-June.

Festival of Gnawa in Khamlia: meeting the people of the desert towns where the tribes of Gnawas invite you to eat and perform dances and rituals of protection. Mid-July.

National Festival of Popular Arts in Marrakech: recognized since 2005 by UNESCO as World Cultural Heritage Site. Takes place in the best areas of the city, including the Menara Gardens, Palm, Palacio El Badi ... Mid-July.

Art and Music Festival of Asilah: where you can enjoy the colorful mural with the artists decorate the white houses of the medina. At the end of July.

Festival of the Wedding, Imilchil: curious celebration with live music and songs where Berber women and men unite in a showy ritual. Mid-September.

Feast of the date, Erfoud: the people of the region meet in one of the most fascinating places in Morocco, Merzouga dunes, and also enjoy traditional camel racing. Late October.

International Film Festival of Marrakech: the city became a Moroccan week in Cannes. Between November and December.

Ramadan: the month of purification through fasting. The whole country comes to this tradition for about 30 days a year, as the sun sets across the country stopped for lunch, preferably with family. At the end the fasting month is celebrated the feast of Aït Continue.

Feast of the Lamb: Approximately 40 days after Ramadan, every family sacrifices a lamb as an offering to God, as Abraham did in his time.
     .:: Welcome To Morocco ::.  
                                                        Gifs animés et Cliparts Drapeaux France  Gifs animés et Cliparts Drapeaux portugal   Gifs animés et Cliparts Drapeaux Italiaa    
Join us in our Morocco tours to discover the magic of Morocco ,the beautiful Atlas mountains, Oases covered with lush palms, centuries old Kasbahs, and berber villages, Nomad peoples.....
a wild landscape made of gorges, and the Sahara desert with its sandy dunes and milion stars....


Our ultimate aim is to help to discover the true Morocco with camel trek Morocco tours,and desert tours, to get in touch with the authenticity of the kingdom, the beauty of Morocco.
Note that our proposal Morocco trips can be modified according to your needs and requirements.


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Our team  have chosen to customize each adventure according to your wishes and according to your budget.
In Morocco, as in most of other countries, price rates of many hotels, hostels, ryads, etc are seasonal. We therefore need to know the period in which you plan to visit our country in order to give you the most correct rates.
 Contact us at :
Phone : +212 673 555 408

Some Excursions

                                       Excursions from Marrakech                                               

    • photophoto 

      • Visit of the  Essaouira and its doors and also the old harbour....
      • Visit of the Valley of Ourika following
      • the course of the river up to its source in the Atlas.
      • Visit of the Waterfalls of Ouzoud
      • Visit of the Kasbah Ait ben haddou and Tatouet .   
                                                             Excursions From Ouarzazate                                                    

  • photoVisit of the Draa Valley and Zagora by way of Kasbah of Tamnougalt
  • Visit of the Todra Gorges by way of the Dades Valley and the Kasbahs in Skoura.
  • Visit of the Dades Gorges by way of the Roses Valley of Boutaghar roses cities and the Kasbahs of Skoura.
  • Excursion up to the big dune of Erg Chabbi (for this excursion, we recommend to do it on 2 days):
    Day 1 - Palm grove of the Draa and its berber villages. Direction to Merzouga. Excursion in dromedary to spend the night under berber canvas in the heart of the desert.
    Day 2 - Return to Ouarzazate by visiting Erfoud, Todra Gorges and the Dades Valley. 
Contact us Fore More infos and  Excursions

Imperial Cities & Desert

Casablanca , Fes , Meknes , Erfoud , Merzouga , Ouarzazate , Marrakech

Depart for Fes. The road to Fes takes us along a beautiful stretch of farmlands where olives, grain, vegetables and grapes are grown. Before arriving to Fes you will visit Meknes and Volubilis. Volubilis is the sight of the famous Roman ruins left from the Roman Empire's most southern outpost.
Meknes is the site of the first Arab dynasty created by Moulay Ismail and has the Medersa Bou Inania and the Bab Mansour, the Gateway to Moulay Ismail Palace. This leads us into the Henri es-Souani, the horses stable and granaries. Upstairs is a rooftop garden and cafe with a great view of the city. Arrive into Fes, check into the hotel.

Day 2:                        Fez sightseeing                                                                                                                                     
Marrakech , Essaouira,Agadir , Aglou , Mirelft ,Legzira Beach,Tafraout , Taroudante,Taznakht,Foum-Zguid ,Erg Chigaga,Ouarzazate,Ait Benhaddou,Atlas Mountains

After breakfast, you will begin your visit of "the oldest living Medina in the world” with a local official tour guide. You will tour the Medina with its "souks" (markets), stopping at the gateway of the Royal Palace, the 9th century Karouine mosque and University.
You will visit also the tomb of the city founder "Moulay Idriss II". Lunch will be at one of the traditional restaurants in the old Medina. After lunch you will continue your tour to visit the Najarine Fountain, the old Harem Garden and the Batha Museum. On the way back to the hotel, you will stop to enjoy a panoramic view of the city.

Day 3:                   Fez - Merzouga                                                                                                                                          
In the morning we will go into the mountains to a region known as Imouzzer, which is blanketed by forests of cedar, juniper and cork oak. the area is well known for having abundant wildlife and we may see many types of birds, wild boar and Barbary apes on our scenic drive. Then the road will start climb into the Middle Atlas Mountains we may see the slopes dotted by the tents and goat herds of nomadic Berbers who call this rugged region home. After late lunch in Midelt, we continue on mountain roads overlooking the wide flowing Oued Ziz. Passing Kasbahs and palm groves we pass through the adobe colored city of Er-Rachidia and arrive in the late afternoon to Merzouga, city on the outskirts of the Sahara Desert, Overnight in Merzouga.

Day 4: Tour around Erg Chebbi by 4x4 - Camel ride _Night in Desert camp
After the breakfast and take shower in Hotel ,we go in a tour around the erg chebbi ,we will  visit a house and listen to some gnawa music; originally from Ghana, and Sudan. We will visit some deserted mines, Berber nomads and oasis of palm trees. Towards lunchtime, we go back to Merzouga , after Lunch and relaxing,we go to the camels who are waiting to take us on an adventure in the sand dunes. We will spend the night in an equipped camp with drums music in the middle of the Sahara,this is a great opportunity to take lovely pictures of the sunset and sunrise,when we arrive at the camp we go to a high dunes to see the sunset , we will spend the night in nomad tents .

Day 5: Merzouga - Ouarzazate
ouarzazate, morocco tours, Travel to morocco , morocco desert
After seeing the sunrise we go back on camels to Merzouga after the breakfast and take shower in Hotel then start our journey to Ouarzazate . On the way; we visit the Berber shops containing fossils, carpets, lamps, leather... Tinjdad .todra gorges .Boumalene-du-Dades ..we arrive a ouarzazate in evening

Day 6: Ouarzazate - Marrakech
Leaving Ouarzazate in the Morning ,we will  visit UNESCO protected site of Ait Ben Haddou. A most impressive Kasbah and well-preserved fortress in Morocco. Many movies were filmed here such as the Gladiator. Leave Ait Ben Haddou and start heading towards the majestic Atlas Mountains. Cross the High Atlas Mountains via the highest road pass in Morocco Tizni Tichka 2260m high offering impressive views of valleys, mountains and many Berber villages nearby. arrive a in evening

Day 7: Marrakesh sightseeing and at leisure
A full-day tour of Marrakech  , visit  the Menara, a surrounded pool by flowerbeds that function as an irrigation system for the surrounded fields. The sightseeing tour will cover several impressive sights: The Koutoubia mosque, Majorelle Gardens, Bahia Palace and Dar Si Said Palace museum of jewellery. Optional lunch will be in the medina followed by a walk through the colorful souks of Marrakech. Enjoy a sunset drink overlooking the exciting Jamaa El Fna Square from a terrace of a cafe, dinner and night at hotel.
Day 8: Marrakesh - Casablanca
Leaving Marrakech in the Morning ,passing trough the Moroccan imperial cities..
Tour Includ : - Tour in 4x4 vehicle - Driver - Fuel - Hotel overnight stays (breakfast & dinner included) - Camel ride - 1 night in desert camp      Not included : - Flight - Meals - Drinks NOTE : If the itineraries that we offer does not match what you're looking for ,contact us and we will prepare the trip to your needs and requirements

From Marrakech To The Desert

Day 1 : Marrakech - Todra Gorges

From Marrakesh we start our safari to Toudra Gorges. We pass through Tizi-n-Tishka in the high Atlas Mountains and have short stops to take some photos. We will visit the Ait Ben Haddou village which is recognized by UNESCO as a world patrimony. It is also the best place for famous cinema directors. Lunch in Ourzazate, and then continue our day enjoying the beautiful natural landscapes of Roses Valley, which is known by Festival of roses. We also pass through the little Berber villages el Kelaa des M'gouna and Boumalene -du- Dades. Arrive in Toudra Gorges.The night is spent in a hotel.
Day 2:    Toudra Gorges -Rissani - Merzouga
Today's target point is arriving to Merzouga which is known for the highest sand dunes in North Africa. The desert! It is called Erg Chebbi Sahara desert and it is about 20 kms long and 5 kms wide and is a unique, multifaced environment.  On our way, we will have the chance to see many oasis such as the oasis of Tinjdad. We will continue our tour passing through the little Berber towns of Mellab and Touroug.
Arrive to Rissani where we will have lunch. After this break, we will continue our way enjoying the green oasis of palm trees of Ziz –Tafilalet and the black Hamada before arriving to Merzouga. Later we will enjoy bathing in the warm waters as well as having a local dinner and listen to Berber music.

Day 3:    Merzouga - Merzouga

In the morning we will goto visit a house and listen to some gnawa music; originally from Ghana, and Sudan. We will visit some deserted mines, Berber nomads and oasis of palm trees. Towards lunchtime, we go back to Merzouga to lunch & relaxing. in evening we go to our camels who are waiting to take us on an adventure in the sand dunes. We will spend the night in an equipped camp with drums music in the middle of the Sahara,this is a great opportunity to take lovely pictures of the sunset and sunrise. At this time, we will explore the secrets of the Sahara and its unlimited horizons.
Day 4:    Merzouga - Boumalne du Dades

After an early breakfast in the dunes, we ride the camels back to the hotel. We take showers, and then start our journey. On the way; we visit the Berber shops containing fossils, carpets, lamps, leather...
Our lunch place is Tinjdad We arrive to Boumalene-du-Dades in which we check in to our hotel.

Day 5:    Boumalne du Dades - Marrakesh

Heading back to Marrakesh, visiting ouarzazate..Ait Ourir where ...we passe trough TIZI-N-Tichka
arrive in Marrakech in evening

 Tour Includ :
- Tour in 4x4 vehicle
- Driver
- Fuel
- Hotel overnight stays (breakfast & dinner included)
- Camel ride
- 1 night in desert camp
    Not included :
- Flight
- Meals
- Drinks

NOTE : If the itineraries that we offer does not match what you're looking for ,contact us and we will prepare the trip to your needs and requirements

Fes And Sahara Desert

Day 1 : Fes - Ifrane - Azrou - Midelt - Errachidia - Ziz valley - Erfoud - Merzouga
After the breakfast Leaving Fez and going to Todra Gorges , passing through Ifrane to arrive to the cedar forests of Azrou where the wild monkeys are located. It will be good opportunity to take photos of wilderness in Morocco. Lunch in a small Berber village of Zaida.
We continue the way through the Atlas Mountains enjoying the landscapes of Medilt to arrive to the small town of Rich. Here ,we turn right to pass through the famous town of Imilchil before arriving to Toudra Gorges in evening 
Day 2:    Toudra Gorges - Erfoud - Merzouga

After breakfast, we go from Toudra gorges  to the Sahara desert of Merzouga. Berber villages are scattered along the way. We’ll pass through Tinjdad, Jorf and Erfoud in which we’ll feel the beginning of the Saharan oasis of Tafilalet.
And then continue to Merzouga, where we’ll find our camels waiting for us for the camel trekking in the dunes of erg Chebbi. It is a great experience to imagine yourself riding a camel in erg chebbi where the silence of the desert is the dominant. Dinner is served under a Berber tent with Berber drums music.

Day 3:    Merzouga - Fez

After the sunrise we go back on  camels , you’ll have breakfast and take a shower. We’ll start the trip back to Fez.

Tour Includ : - Tour in 4x4 vehicle
- Driver
- Fuel
- Hotel overnight stays (breakfast & dinner included)
- Camel ride
- 1 night in desert camp 

    Not included :
- Flight
- Meals
- Drinks

NOTE : If the itineraries that we offer does not match what you're looking for ,contact us and we will prepare the trip to your needs and requirements

Marrakech - Sahara desert and fes

 Day 1 : Marrakech - Todra Gorges
From Marrakesh we start our safari to Toudra Gorges. We pass through Tizi-n-Tishka in the high Atlas Mountains and have short stops to take some photos. We will visit the Ait Ben Haddou village which is recognized by UNESCO as a world patrimony. It is also the best place for famous cinema directors. Lunch in Ourzazate, and then continue our day enjoying the beautiful natural landscapes of Roses Valley, which is known by Festival of roses. We also pass through the little Berber villages el Kelaa des M'gouna and Boumalene -du- Dades. Arrive in Toudra Gorges.The night is spent in a hotel.
Day 2:    Toudra Gorges -Rissani - Merzouga
Today's target point is arriving to Merzouga which is known for the highest sand dunes in North Africa. The desert! It is called Erg Chebbi Sahara desert and it is about 20 kms long and 5 kms wide and is a unique, multifaced environment.  On our way, we will have the chance to see many oasis such as the oasis of Tinjdad. We will continue our tour passing through the little Berber towns of Mellab and Touroug.
Arrive to Rissani where we will have lunch. After this break, we will continue our way enjoying the green oasis of palm trees of Ziz –Tafilalet and the black Hamada before arriving to Merzouga. Later we will enjoy bathing in the warm waters as well as having a local dinner and listen to Berber music.

Day 3:    Merzouga - Merzouga

In the morning we will goto visit a house and listen to some gnawa music; originally from Ghana, and Sudan. We will visit some deserted mines, Berber nomads and oasis of palm trees. Towards lunchtime, we go back to Merzouga to lunch & relaxing. in evening we go to our camels who are waiting to take us on an adventure in the sand dunes. We will spend the night in an equipped camp with drums music in the middle of the Sahara,this is a great opportunity to take lovely pictures of the sunset and sunrise. At this time, we will explore the secrets of the Sahara and its unlimited horizons.
Day 4:    Merzouga - Fes
After the sunrise we go back on camelsto Merzouga, you’ll have breakfast and take a shower. We’ll start the trip back to Fez. We’ll take the national route 13 passing through Ziz Valley in Errachidia. We change the route in Zaida to go through Boulmane to arrive to Fez.
 Tour Includ :
- Tour in 4x4 vehicle
- Driver
- Fuel
- Hotel overnight stays (breakfast & dinner included)
- Camel ride
- 1 night in desert camp 

    Not included :
- Flight
- Meals
- Drinks

NOTE : If the itineraries that we offer does not match what you're looking for ,contact us and we will prepare the trip to your needs and requirements

Create your own tour

Our team specialists for Morocco Tours that are suitable for independent travellers - couples, friends, small groups and family tours. Our customised tours of Morocco, in private vehicles with local driver, include city and desert tours from Fes, Fes to Marrakech, Casablanca, Marrakech, Marrakech to Fes, Tangier and elsewhere on request.
If the itineraries that we offer does not match what you're looking for ,contact us and we will prepare the trip to your needs and requirements..
PLEASE note that our proposal Morocco trips can be modified according to your needs and requirements
Contact us at :
          Phone :    +212  673  555  408

About Morocco

Morocco                                                    المملكة  المغربية
Al-Mamlaka al-Magribiya
kingdom of morocco
 the Kingdom of Morocco, is a country in North Africa with a population of 33,757,175. It has a coast on the Atlantic Ocean that reaches past the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea. Morocco has international borders with Algeria to the east, Spain to the north (a water border through the Strait and land borders with two small Spanish autonomous cities, Ceuta and Melilla), and Mauritania to the south.
Morocco is the only African country that is not currently a member of the African Union. However, it is currently a member of the Arab League, Arab Maghreb Union, the Francophone, Organization of the Islamic Conference, Mediterranean Dialogue group, and Group of 77, and is a major non-NATO ally of the United States.

Moroccan tribes             
The area of present-day Morocco has been inhabited since Neolithic times (at least since 8000 BC, as attested by signs of the Caspian culture), a period when the Maghreb was less arid than it is today. Many theorists believe the Amazigh people, commonly referred to as Berbers or by their regional ethnic identity (e.g. Chleuh), probably arrived at roughly the same time as the inception of agriculture in the region. In the classical period, Morocco was known as Mauretania, although this should not be confused with the modern country of Mauritania.

Modern Morocco On November 18, 2006, Morocco celebrated the 50th anniversary of its independence. Morocco recovered its political independence from France on March 2, 1956, and on April 7, France officially relinquished its protectorate. Through agreements with Spain in 1956 and 1958, Moroccan control over certain Spanish-ruled areas was restored, though attempts to claim other Spanish colonial possessions through military action were less successful. The internationalized city of Tangier was reintegrated with the signing of the Tangier Protocol on October 29, 1956 (see Tangier Crisis). Hassan II became King of Morocco on March 3, 1961. His early years of rule would be marked by political unrest. The Spanish enclave of Ifni in the south was reintegrated to the country in 1969. Morocco annexed the Western Sahara during the 1970s after demanding its reintegration from Spain since independence, but final resolution on the status of the territory remains unresolved. (See History of Western Sahara).
Political reforms in the 1990s resulted in the establishment of a bicameral legislature in 1997.Morocco was granted Major non-NATO ally status by the United States in June 2004 and has signed free trade agreements with the United States and the European Union.
Morocco is an ethnically diverse country with a rich culture and civilization. Through Moroccan history, Morocco hosted many people coming from East (Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Jews and Arabs), South (Sub-Saharan Africans) and North (Romans, Vandals, Andalusia's (including Moors and Jews)). All those civilizations have had an impact on the social structure of Morocco. It conceived various forms of beliefs, from paganism, Judaism, and Christianity to Islam.
Each region possesses its own specificities, thus contributing to the national culture and to the legacy of civilization. Morocco has set among its top priorities the protection of its diverse legacy and the preservation of its cultural heritage.
Culturally speaking, Morocco has always been successful in combining its Berber, Jewish and Arabic cultural heritage with external influences such as the French and the Spanish and, during the last decades, the Anglo-American

Map Of Morocco

Current Weather

Morocco's climate varies from region to region and time of year. The hottest time to visit the Moroccan deserts is midsummer when, in contrast, it can be wonderful on the coast or in the Atlas mountains; but there are no set rules. Spring tends to come late (April or May) and this is the season of the roses in Rose Valley. Winter days in the South can be perfect, although the nights are cold.
Published average temperatures in celsius
Town Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Agadir 20 21 22 24 24 26 27 26 26 26 24 20
Casablanca 17 17 19 20 22 24 27 27 27 25 20 18
Essouira 18 18 18 19 20 20 22 21 21 21 19 19
Fes 16 17 19 22 26 31 36 36 32 27 19 16
Marrakech 19 19 23 26 29 33 39 38 33 28 21 19
Ouarzazate 17 19 23 27 30 36 39 38 33 27 21 17
Desert 20 23 26 30 34 39 42 41 36 30 25 20

Who we are

I'm HASSAN MOUHOU from (Merzouga) southern Morocco , i come from generations of Berbers (desert people).  I have a large family, My parents and grandparents were berbers (known as imazighn) and they are from a tribe called (Kabilat-Ait-atta).  I speak Spanish, French, English, Berber, Arabic and i can communicate and understand Italian and Portuguese. I work within the tourism sector since long ago  I and my team we arrange trips for small groups in Minibus & 4x4 (Land Rover, Toyota, Land-Cruiser) and camel treks , Nights into the heart of the Sahara desert ,
join us in our Morocco tours to discover the best highlights of Southern Morocco ,the beautiful Atlas mountains, Oases covered with lush palms, centuries old Kasbahs, berber villages, a wild landscape made of gorges, and the Sahara desert with its sandy dunes.Our ultimate aim is to help to discover the true Morocco with camel trek Morocco tours,and desert tours, to get in touch with the authenticity of the kingdom, the beauty of Morocco.please note that our proposal Morocco trips can be modified according to your needs and requirements.

Contact us

        Adresse :  Hassan  Mouhou
         Ksar Merzouga .C.P 52 202
          Phone :    +212  673  555  408

Contact us with any questions, request more information on our routes or make a reservation  .
 If the itineraries that we offer does not match what you're looking for ,contact us and we will prepare the trip to your needs and requirements

Contact us

                24H / 24H
Contact us with any questions,
request more information on our
routes or make a reservation,
If the itineraries that we offer does not
match what you're looking for ,
contact us and we will prepare the
trip to your needs and requirements

Phone: +212 673 555 408

Contact us

        Adresse :  Hassan  Mouhou
         Ksar Merzouga .C.P 52 202
          Phone :    +212  673  555  408

Contact us with any questions, request more information on our routes or make a reservation  .
 If the itineraries that we offer does not match what you're looking for ,contact us and we will prepare the trip to your needs and requirements

Contact us

                24H / 24H
Contact us with any questions,
request more information on our
routes or make a reservation,
If the itineraries that we offer does not
match what you're looking for ,
contact us and we will prepare the
trip to your needs and requirements

Phone: +212 673 555 408

Contact us

        Adresse :  Hassan  Mouhou
         Ksar Merzouga .C.P 52 202
          Phone :    +212  673  555 408

Contact us with any questions, request more information on our routes or make a reservation  .
 If the itineraries that we offer does not match what you're looking for ,contact us and we will prepare the trip to your needs and requirements